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Journal Publications (SCI)

  1. Hsieh, C-Y, Lin, Y-C, Huang, X-S, Lin, J-T, and Huang, C-S*, “Novel deposition technique for fabricating films with customized thickness profiles,” Micromachines, v. 15, n. 12, article numbers 1412,  11/23/2024  

  2. Li, C-H, Chang, C-Y, Chen, Y-U, and Huang, C-S*, “Blood biomarker detection using integrated microfluidics with optical label-free biosensor,” Sensors, v. 24, n. 20, article numbers 6756,  10/21/2024

  3. Chiang, C C, Tseng, W-C, Tsai, W-T, and Huang, C-S*, “Handheld biosensor system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance device,” Biosensors, v. 14, n. 1, article numbers 12, 12/30/2023

  4. Lin, T-Z, Chen, C-H, Lei, Y-P, and Huang, C-S*, “Gradient guided-mode resonance biosensor with smartphone readout,” Biosensors, v. 13, n. 12, article numbers 1006, 11/29/2023

  5. Gao, J-J, Chiu, C-W, Wen, K-H, and Huang, C-S*, “Compact detection platform based on gradient guided-mode resonance for colorimetric and fluorescence liquid assay detection,” Sensors, v. 21, n. 8, article numbers 2797, 4/15/2021

  6. Yang, J-M, Yang, N-Z, Chen, C-H, and Huang, C-S*, “Gradient waveguide thickness guided-mode resonance biosensor, Sensors, v. 21, n. 2, article numbers 376, 1/2021,

  7. Yang, N-Z, Hsiung, C-T, and Huang, C-S*, “Biosensor based on two-dimensional gradient guided-mode resonance filter,” Optics Express, v. 29, n. 2, pp. 1320-1332, 1/2021

  8. Lin, H-C, Wang, Y-C, Yang, J-M, Huang, C-S*, Kuo, S-H, and Li, B-R, “Gradient grating period guided-mode resonance for potential biosensing applications,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 10/2020, 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3033277

  9. Lin, Y-M, Gao, J-J, Chen, K-P, Huang, C-H, and Huang, C-S*, “A novel hydrogen sensor based on a guided-mode resonance filter,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 9/2020, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3022900

  10. Ho, Hsin-Hsien, Nguyen, Anh-Thi, Chen, Yen-Chi, Chen, Li-Yin, Dang, Huu-Phuoc, Tsai, May-Jywan, Cheng, Henrich, Horng, Sheng-Fu, Huang, Cheng-Sheng, Zan, Hsiao-Wen, Meng, Hsin-Fei, “Cylindrical Ion Sensor with Diameter 1.5 mm for Potentially Invasive Medical Application,” ACS Omega, 9/2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c02725. (Co-corresponding author)

  11. May-Jywan Tsai, Henrich Cheng, Hsin-Hsien Ho, Peng-Wei Lin, Dann-Ying Liou, Teng-Ching Fang, Chao-Wei Li, Karmeng Kwan, Yen-Chi Chen, Cheng-Sheng Huang, Sheng-Fu Horng, Chen-Hsiung Hung, Hsiao-Wen Zan, Hsin-Fei Meng, “Hydrogel-based zinc ion sensor on optical fiber with high resolution and application to neural cells,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, v. 162, pp. 112230, 8/2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2020.112230

  12. Wang, Y-C, Jang, W-Y, and Huang, C-S*, “Lightweight torque sensor based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter,” IEEE Sensors Journal, v. 19, n. 16, pp. 6610-17, 8/2019, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2911982

  13. Hsiung, C-T and Huang, C-S*, “Refractive index sensor based on gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v. 31, n. 3, pp. 253-256, 2/2019, DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2019.2890873 (IF: 2.446, Ranking 32/94)

  14. Hsiung, C-T and Huang, C-S*, “Refractive index sensor based on gradient waveguide thickness guided-mode resonance filter,” IEEE Sensors Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LSENS.2018.2883471, 12/28

  15. Wang, Y-C and Huang, C-S*, “Flexible linear and angular displacement sensor based on a gradient guided-mode resonance filter,” v. 18, n. 24, pp. 9925-30, IEEE Sensors Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2875082, 12/2018 (IF: 2.617, Ranking: 14/61)

  16. Change, C. W., Chen, S. T., Lin, Y. M., and Huang, C. S.*, “Resonant wavelength shift detection system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance,” v. 10, n. 4, IEEE Photonics Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2018.2857505, 8/2018 (IF: 2.311, Ranking: 33/92)

  17. Hsu, H-Y, Lan Y-H, and Huang, C-S*, “A gradient grating period guided-mode resonance spectrometer,” IEEE Photonics Journal, v. 10, n. 1, pp. 4500109, 1/2018 (IF: 2.311, Ranking: 33/92)

  18. Tsai, M-Z, Hsiung, C-T, Chen, Y, Huang, C-S*, Hsu, H-Y, Hsieh, P-Y, “Real-time CRP detection from whole blood using micropost-embedded microfluidic chip incorporated with label-free biosensor,” Analyst, v. 143, n. 2, pp. 503-10, 1/2018, DOI: 10.1039/C7AN01374D (IF: 3.885, Ranking: 12/76)

  19. Wang, Y-B, Su, L-Y, Fu, C-S, Huang, C-S*, Hsu, W†, “Droplet-based label-free detection system based on guided-mode resonance and electowetting-on-dielectric for concentration measurement,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, v. 56, pp. 050313-050313-4, 2017 (IF: 1.122, 97/145)

  20. Wang, Y-B, Huang, J-H, Lee, M-S, Huang, C-Y, Huang, C-S, Yamashita, I, Tu, Y-Y, Hsu, W, “An EWOD-based micro diluter with high flexibility on dilution ratio,” Microsystem Technologies, v. 23, pp. 3645-51, 2017 (IF: 0.974, 158/257)

  21. Tu, Y-K, Tsai, M-Z, Lee, I-C, Hsu, H-Y, and Huang, C-S*, “Integration of a guided-mode resonance filter with microposts for in-cell protein detection,” Analyst, v. 141, pp. 4189-95, 2016. (IF: 4.033, Ranking: 10/75)

  22. Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, Chang, C-W, and Huang, C-S*, “Compact spectrometer system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter,” Optics Express, v. 24, pp. 10972-79, 2016. (IF: 3.148, Ranking: 14/90)

  23. Chang, C-W and Huang, C-S*, “Photonic crystal micropost as a microarray platform,” Optics Express, v.24, pp.2954-64, 2016. (IF: 3.148, Ranking: 14/90)

  24. Lin, H-A and Huang, C-S*, “Linear variable filter based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v. 28, pp. 1042-45, 2016 (IF: 1.945, Ranking: 29/90)

  25. Hsu, H. I., Wu, P-T, and Huang, C-S*, “Optimization of a guided-mode resonance filter by varying the thickness of the buffer layer,” Chinese Optics Letters, v.14, pp. 030501, 2016. (IF: 1.851, Ranking: 33/83)

  26. Wu, Y-A, Wu, P-T and Huang, C-S*, “Photonic crystal-enhanced fluorescence through the extraction of dually polarized modes,” Optics Letters, v.40, pp. 733-35, 2015. (IF: 3.292, Ranking: 11/83) (Selected for Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, v.10, 2015)

  27. Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C, “SU8 inverted-rib waveguide Bragg grating filter,” Applied Optics, v. 52, pp. 5545-51, 2013. (IF: 1.703, Ranking: 23/78)

  28. Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S., Polans, J., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T., “Line-scanning detection instrument for photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence,” Optics Letters, v. 37, pp. 2565-67, 2012. (IF: 3.318, Ranking: 7/78) (Selected in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, v. 7, 2012)

  29. Huang, C-S, Chaudhery, V., Pokhriyal, A., George, S., Polans, J., Lu, M., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T., "Multiplexed cancer biomarker detection using quartz-based photonic crystal surfaces," Analytical Chemistry, v. 84, pp. 1126-33, 2012. (IF: 5.874, Ranking: 3/71)

  30. Tan, Y., Ge, C., Chu, A., Lu, M., Goldshlag, W., Huang, C-S, Pokhriyal, A., George, S., Cunningham, B. T., "Plastic-based distributed feedback laser biosensors in microplate format," IEEE Sensors Journal, v. 12, pp. 1174-80, 2012. (IF: 1.471, Ranking: 20/61)

  31. Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, Pokhriyal, A., Polans, J., Schulz, S. C., and Cunningham, B. T., "Spatially selective photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence and application to background reduction for biomolecule detection assays," Optics Express, v. 19, pp. 23327-40, 2011. (IF: 3.749, Ranking: 5/78)

  32. Huang, C-S, George, S., Lu, M., Chaudhery, V., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T., "Application of photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence to cancer biomarker microarrays," Analytical Chemistry, v. 83, pp. 1425-30, 2011 (Cover). (IF: 5.874, Ranking: 3/71)

  33. Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, George, S., and Cunningham, B. T., “Photobleaching on photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence surfaces,” Journal of Fluorescence, v. 21, pp. 707-14, 2010. (IF: 1.966, Ranking: 36/78)

  34. Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Vikram, C., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T., “Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence using a quartz substrate to reduce limits of detection,” Optics Express, v. 18, pp. 24793-808, 2010. (IF: 3.749, Ranking: 5/78) 

  35. Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T., “Multicolor fluorescence enhancement from a photonics crystal surface,” Applied Physics Letters, v. 97, pp. 121108, 2010. (IF: 3.820, Ranking: 14/116) 

  36. Huang, C-S, Pun, E. Y. B., and Wang, W-C, “SU-8 rib waveguide Bragg grating filter using composite stamp and solvent-assisted microcontact molding technique,” Journal of Micro/Nanolithography,MEMS, and MOEMS, v. 9, pp. 023013-18, 2010. (IF: 1.194, Ranking: 36/78) 

  37. Huang, C-S, Pun, E. Y. B., and Wang, W-C, “Fabrication of an elastomeric rib waveguide Bragg grating filter,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, v. 26, pp.1256-62, 2009. (IF: 2.095, Ranking: 16/78)

  38. Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C, “Large core single mode rib SU8 waveguide using solvent assisted microcontact molding,” Applied Optics, v. 47, pp.4540-47, 2008. (IF: 1.703, Ranking: 23/78)

  39. Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C, “Flexible polymeric rib waveguide with self aligned couplers system,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, v. 26, n. 1, pp.L13-18, 2008. (IF: 1.268, Ranking: 97/247)

  40. Wang, W-C, Ledous, W.R., Huang, C-Y, Huang, C-S, Klute, G.K., and Reinhall, P.G., “Development of a microfabricated optical bend loss sensor for distribute pressure measurement,” IEEE Trans. Biomedical Eng., v. 55, n. 2, pp.614-25, 2008. (IF: 1.782, Ranking: 32/69) 

  41. Panergo, R., Huang, C-S, Liu, C-S, Reinhall, P.G., and Wang, W-C, “Resonant polymeric waveguide cantilever integrated for optical scanning,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, v. 25, n. 3, pp.850-60, 2007. (IF: 2.255, Ranking: 14/78)

Invited Talk

  1. Huang, C-S, “Biosensors based on gradient guided-mode resonance filter,” 4th International Congress on Biomaterials & Biosensors (BIOMATSEN2019), Oludeniz, Turkey.

  2. Huang, C-S, “Label-free biosensor based on gradient guided-mode resonance filter,” 4th International Bio/Medical Interface Symposium 2019 (IBMI2019), Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  3. Huang, C-S, “Applications of gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter,” Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, 8/2018.

  4. Huang, C-S, “Integration of guided-mode resonance filter with microfluidic chip for in-cell protein detection,” International Conference on Light and Light based Technologies, Tezpur, India, 2016

  5. Huang, C-S, “Applications of gradient grating period guided-mode resonance in spectral measurement,” PIERS, Japan, 2018.

Conference Publications

  1. Chiang, C-C, Tseng, W-C, Tsai, W-T, and Huang, C-S*, “Handheld biosensor system based on a gradient guided-mode resonance device,” 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2024) in the framework of the OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024 (OPIC2024), Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, 22-26 April 2024

  2. Chiang, C-C and Huang, C-S*, “Portable biosensor system with microfluidics embedded optical sensor,” 20th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, 6-8 November 2023 (Invited)

  3. Tseng, W-C, Lin, Y-C, and Huang, C-S*, “High sensitive refractive index sensor based on gradient waveguide thickness guided-mode resonance,” 33rd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, Busan, South Korea, 5-8 June 2023 (Poster)

  4. Lin, T-Z, Cheng, C-H, Lei, Y-P, and Huang, C-S*, “Smartphone biosensor based on gradient grating period guided-mode resonance,” 33rd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, Busan, South Korea, 5-8 June 2023 (Poster)

  5. C-W Chiu, J-J Gao, and C-S Huang*,”Compact detection system of fluorescence emission and absorption from liquid sample based on integration of gradient guided-mode resonance with CCD imager,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC), 2020. (Poster)

  6. Y-C Lin, H-C Lin, Y-C Wang, J-M Yang, C-S Huang*, S-H Kuo, and B-R Li,” Gradient grating period guided-mode resonance biosensor,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC), 2020. (Poster)

  7. Hsin-Hsien Ho, Huu-Phuoc Dang, Yen-Chi Chen, Li-Yin Chen, Hsiao-Wen Zan, Hsin-Fei Meng, Cheng-Sheng Huang, May-Jywan Tsai, Henrich Cheng,” An Optical pH Sensor with Second Layer to Eliminate Leaching Effect,” 25th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2020), Taiwan, 10/2020. (Poster)

  8. Huang, C-S, “Biosensors based on gradient guided-mode resonance filter,” 4th International Congress on Biomaterials & Biosensors (BIOMATSEN2019), Oludeniz, Turkey, 5/2019. (Invited)

  9. Huang, C-S*, “Applications of gradient grating period guided-mode resonance in spectral measurement,” PIERS, Japan, 2018. (Invited)

  10. Chen, Y, Wang, Y-B, Su, L-Y, Fu, C-S, Huang, C-Y, Huang, C-S*, and Hsu, W-S, “Integration of photonic crystal and magnetic bead aggregation technique for fluorescence enhancement,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Hong Kong, 2018.

  11. Hsiung, C-T, Tsai, M-Z, Cheng, Yang, Huang, C-S*, Hsu, H-Y, Hsieh, P-Y, “Unprocessed whole blood sensing using micropost-embedded microfluidics with guided-mode resonance,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Hong Kong, 2018.

  12. Wang, Y-C, Hsiung, Chen, S-T, Huang, C-S*, “Resonant wavelength shift detection system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter,” SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA 2018.

  13. technique for fluorescence enhancement,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Hong Kong, 2018.

  14. Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, Chang, C-W, and Huang, C-S*, “Design and fabrication of compact spectrometer based on gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Singapore, 2017.

  15. Huang, C-S*, Integration of guided-mode resonance filter with microfluidic chip for in-cell protein detection, International Conference on Light and Light based Technologies, Tezpur, India, 2016. (Invited)

  16. Su, L-Y, Fu, C-S, Wang, Y-B, Huang, C-S* and Hsu, W-S, “Integration of photonic crystal and electrowetting-on-dielectric microfluidics for concentration measurement,” Optofluidics, Beijing, China, 2016. (Best Poster)

  17. Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, and Huang, C-S*, “Compact wavelength detection system based on a gradient guided-mode resonance filter,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, USA, 2016.

  18. Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, and Huang, C-S*, “Chip-size wavelength detector based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter,” SPIE Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XIX, SPIE 9948, pp. 994809-1~994809-6, San Diego, CA, USA, 2016.

  19. Wu, Y-A, Wu, P-T, and Huang. C-S*, “Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence through extraction of dual polarization modes,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Busan, Korea, 2015.

  20. Huang, C-S, Chaudhery, V., Pokhriyal, A., George, S., Polans, J., Lu, M., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T., “Quartz-based photonic crystal surfaces for multiplexed cancer biomarker detection,” IEEE Sensors, Taipei, Taiwan, 2012

  21. Huang, C-S, George, S., Lu, M., Chaudhery, V., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T., "Application of photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence to antibody microarrays," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2011.

  22. Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Chaudhery, V., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T., "Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence using a quartz substrate to reduce limits of detection," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2011.

  23. Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T., “Multicolor fluorescence enhancement from a photonics crystal surface,” IEEE Sensors Conference, 2011.

  24. Chaudhery, V., Lidstone, E.A., George, S., Huang, C.S., Kohl, A., and Cunningham, B.T., “Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy: multimode imaging for photonic crystal biosensors,” OSA Optics in the Life Sciences Congress, Monterey, CA, 2011

  25. Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C, “Design and fabrication of an inverted rib waveguide Bragg grating,” Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-Tech Sensors and Systems, SPIE 7291, 2009.

  26. Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C, “Fabrication of Bragg grating on rib waveguide using solvent assisted microcontact molding,” LEOS 2008-The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2008.

  27. Wang, H-J, Polishak, B., Huang, C-S, Luo, J.,  Jen, A.K.Y., and Wang, W-C, “Electro-optic polymer prism beam deflector,” LEOS 2008-The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2008.

  28. Huang, C-Y, Liu, C-S, Panergo, R., Huang, C-S, and Wang, W-C, “Developments of a force image algorithm for micromachined optical bend loss sensor,” SPIE NDE Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, SPIE 5768, 2005.

  29. Labossiere, P. and Huang, C-S, “Stress singularities at corners in thin and thick elastic plates,” Proceeding of Society of Experimental Mechanics, 2003.

  30. Huang, C-S and Labossiere, P., “Stress singularities, stress intensities and fracture initiation at sharp reentrant corners in elastic plates in bending,” 7th International Conference on Assessment and Control of Damage and Fracture Mechanics, 2003.

Domestic Conference Publications

  1. 雷遠培, 林廷洲, 黃正昇*, “週期梯度導膜共振生物感測器與智慧型手機之裝置系統整合” 第四十一屆全國學術研討會暨學生論文發表競賽, 中國機械工程學會, 國立高雄科技大學, 台灣, November 15-16 2024 (第二名)

  2. Chi-Yung Hsieh, Chia-Fa Chu, Li-Jen Hsiao, Shao-Rong Huang, Cheng-Sheng Huang, Jin-Cherng Hsu, Sheng-Hui Chen, Hsing-Yu Wu*, "Optical Design of a 12-Meter Periscope System," Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference(OPTIC), 2024. (Poster)

  3. C-W Chiu, J-J Gao, and C-S Huang*,”Compact detection system of fluorescence emission and absorption from liquid sample based on integration of gradient guided-mode resonance with CCD imager,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC), 2020. (Poster)

  4. Cheng, C-H, Hsiung, C-T, Lin, H-C, and Huang, C-S*, “Gradient grating period guided-mode resonance biosensor,” Biosensors, Busan, Korea, 7/2021.

  5. Hsin-Hsien Ho, Huu-Phuoc Dang, Yen-Chi Chen, Li-Yin Chen, Hsiao-Wen Zan, Hsin-Fei Meng, Cheng-Sheng Huang, May-Jywan Tsai, Henrich Cheng,” An Optical pH Sensor with Second Layer to Eliminate Leaching Effect,” 25th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2020), Taiwan, 10/2020. (Poster)

  6. Chang, C-W, Chen, S-T, Lin, Y-M, and Huang, C-S*, “Monitoring the resonant wavelength shift based on a gradient guided-mode resonance filter,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC), 2018

  7. Lan, Y-H, Hsu, H-Y, Huang, C-S*, “Design and Fabrication of Compact Spectrometer based on Gradient Grating Period Guided-Mode Resonance Filter,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC), 2017

  8. Hsiung, C-T, Tsai, M-Z, Chen, Y, Huang, C-S*, Hsu, H-Y, Hsieh, P-Y, “Real-time, Unprocessed, whole blood sensing using microfluidic chip incorporated with guided-mode resonance biosensor,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC), 2017

  9. Su, L-Y, Fu, C-S, Wang, Y-B, Yang, C, Huang, C-S* and Hsu, W-S, “Integration of photonic crystal and electrowetting-on-dielectric microfluidics for concentration measurement,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC), 2016

  10. Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, Chen, S-T, and Huang, Huang, C-S*, “Gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter for wavelength detection,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC), 2016

  11. Tu, Y-K, Tsai, M-Z, Chen, Y, Lee, Huang, C-S*, I-C, and Hsu, H-Y, “Integration of guided-mode resonance filter with microfluidics for quantification of in-cell protein,” The 40th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CTAM), 2016

  12. Tu, Y-K, Tsai, M-Z, Lee, I-C, Hsu, H-Y, and Huang, C-S*, “Label-free biosensors for in-cell protein detection with automatic filtration of cell debris,” Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Society of Taiwan (BEST), 2016.

  13. Hsu, H. I, Wu, P-T, and Huang, C-S*, “The optical response of guided-mode resonance filter with varying thickness of the buffer layer,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC), 2015

  14. Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, Huang, C-S*, “Design and Fabrication of a Linear Filter Based on a Gradient Grating Period Guided-Mode Resonance,” Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC), 2015

Patent Pending

  1. C-S Huang, C-Y Hsieh, Y-C Lin, C-C Wu and C-F Huang, “Method of fabricating thin film with varying thickness”, US Patent, Application number  17/094754

  2. 黃正昇、謝吉勇、林佑佶、吳志重、黃綺芳,製造具厚度變化的薄膜的方法,中華民國專利申請號109126155 (2020)

  3. 黃正昇、熊展德、王彥傑,生物訊號分析元件、生物感測裝置、感測方法以及生物訊號分析元件的製作方法,中國專利申請號201910180696.3 (2019)

  4. C-S Huang and Y-C Wang, “Optical displacement sensing system,” US Patent, Application number 16600158 (2019)

  5. 黃正昇、徐文祥、蘇琳筠、王盈斌、陳陽,光子晶體與磁珠結合的螢光免疫檢測裝置和方法,中國專利申請號201810190999.9 (2018)

  6. C-S Huang, W-S Hsu, L-Y Su, Y-B Wang, Y Chen, “Fluorescence immunoassay device based on integration of photonic crystal and magnetic beads and method thereof,” USPTO, application number 12/955002, 2018


  1. C-S Huang, C-T Hsiung, and Y-C Wang, “Biological signal analyzing device, biological sensing apparatus, sensing method and fabrication method of biological signal analyzing device,” US 10775303 B2, 9/15/2020

  2. C-S Huang, C-W Chang, and S-T Chen, “Resonant wavelength measurement apparatus and measurement method thereof,” US 10775237 B2, 9/15/2020

  3. 黃正昇、王彥傑,光學位移感測系統,中華民國專利 I 683085, 2020 (2020/1/12~2038/10/11)

  4. 黃正昇、熊展德、王彥傑,生物訊號分析元件、生物感測裝置、感測方法以及生物訊號分析元件的製作方法,中華民國專利 I 682160, 2019

  5. 黃正昇、張致瑋、陳詩婷,共振波長量測裝置及其量測方法,中華民國專利I 673481, 2019 (2019/10/01~2038/02/01)

  6. 黃正昇、徐文祥、蘇琳筠、王盈斌、陳陽,光子晶體與磁珠結合的螢光免疫檢測裝置和方法,中華民國專利 I 653449, 2019 (2019/3/11~2038/1/30)

  7. Huang, C-S and Lin, H-A, Dispersive element and spectrometer using the same, US 10012535 B2, 7/2018 (2018/7/3~2035/12/10)

  8. 黃正昇、林信安,一種分光器及其光譜儀,中華民國專利 I 541493, 2016

  9. 黃正昇、楊秉祥、鄭文雅,壓力與檢力量測裝置及方法,中華民國專利 I 482953, 2014

  10. 黃正昇、楊秉祥、鄭文雅,壓力及剪力量測裝置及方法,CN 1941085, 2014

  11. Huang, C-S, Yang, B-S and Jang, W-Y, “Pressure and shear force measurement device and method,” US 9109963 B2, 2015

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