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機械工程系 生化感測實驗室
Micro/Nano Sensors Lab Dept of Mechanical Engineering , NYCU
Dec/2024. 恭喜遠培和廷洲”週期梯度導膜共振生物感測器與智慧型手機之裝置系統整合”獲得中國機械工程學會第四十一屆全國學術研討會暨學生論文發表競賽第二名
Dec/2024. 恭喜吉勇獲邀參加OPTIC的論文口頭報告
Dec/2024. 恭喜吉勇、佑佶、鉉珊、靖庭,新穎任意厚度分布鍍膜方法的研究成果被期刊論文接受
“Novel deposition technique for fabricating films with customized thickness profiles,” Micromachines
Oct/2024. 恭喜炯熹、禎元與彥儒,血液生物標記檢測之光流體整合晶片的研究成果被期刊論文接受
“Blood biomarker detection using integrated microfluidics with optical label-free biosensor,” Sensors
Sep/2024. 歡迎士謙、哲瑋、世全、芳瑞、佳吟、昌衡及友廷
Apr/2024. 蔡文宗獲邀參加
The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources
Dec/2023. 恭喜建頡、文群與文宗,手持式生物感測器的研究成果
“Handheld biosensor system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance device,” Biosensors
Nov/2023. 恭喜廷洲、政皜與遠培,智慧型手機生物感測器的研究成果被期刊論文接受 “Gradient guided-mode resonance biosensor with smartphone readout,” Biosensors
Sep/2023. 歡迎晉緯、政豪、立展、彥儒
Jun/2023. 雷遠培和曾文群獲邀參加
33rd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors
Sep/2022. 歡迎禎元、文宗 、遠培、靖庭
Sep/2021. 歡迎炯熹、文群、建頡、心慈
Jan/2021: 恭喜家銘的期刊論文被接受“Gradient waveguide thickness guided-mode resonance biosensor,” Sensors
Jan/2021: 恭喜念祖和展德的期刊論文被接受“Biosensor based on two-dimensional gradient guided-mode resonance filter,” Optics Express
Dec/2020: 恭喜敬為、佑佶獲邀參加OPTIC的Poster presentation
Oct/2020: 恭喜華晟和彥傑的期刊論文被接受 “Gradient grating period guided-mode resonance for potential biosensing applications,” IEEE Sensors Journal
Sep/2020: 恭喜弈銘的論文被接受“A novel hydrogen sensor based on a guided-mode resonance filter,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 9/2020, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3022900
Sep/2020: 恭喜晏祺所開發的光纖探針感測器之製程技術被電物系孟心飛老師團隊採用,研究成果被ACS Omeg期刊所接受“Cylindrical Ion Sensor with Diameter 1.5 mm for Potentially Invasive Medical Application,” ACS Omega, 9/2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c02725
Jan/2021: 恭喜念祖和展德的期刊論文被接受“Biosensor based on two-dimensional gradient guided-mode resonance filter,” Optics Express
Aug/2020: 歡迎鉉珊、天福、瑋儒、廷洲加入實驗室
July/2020: Welcome Ahmad Shibli Saleheen to be the first international student to join the lab.
July/2020: 歡迎本實驗室第一位博士生,謝吉勇
Dec/2019: 恭喜實驗室獲得國家衛生研究三年的計畫,進行手持生物感測器的開發
Aug/2019: 歡迎晉廷、澔昀、佑佶和敬為加入實驗室
Aug/2019: 恭喜王彥傑的期刊論文被接受 “Lightweight torque sensor based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter,” IEEE Sensors Journal, v. 19, n. 16, pp. 6610-17
Mar/2019: 歡迎吉勇加入實驗室
Feb/2019: 恭喜熊展德的期刊論文被接受“Refractive index sensor based on gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v. 31, n. 3, pp. 253-256, 2/2019, DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2019.2890873
Dec/2018 : 林奕銘獲邀參加OPTIC oral and poster presentation
Dec/2018 : 恭喜王彥傑的期刊論文被接受,Wang, Y-C and Huang, C-S*, “Flexible linear and angular displacement sensor based on a gradient guided-mode resonance filter,” v. 18, n. 24, pp. 9925-30, IEEE Sensors Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2875082, 12/2018 (IF: 2.617, Ranking: 14/61)
Aug/2018: 歡迎敬中、政皜、念祖和家銘加入實驗室
Aug/2018 : 恭喜張致瑋的期刊論文被接受,Resonant wavelength shift detection system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance,IEEE Photonics Journal
Aug/2018 : 恭喜王彥傑獲得科技部國際論文發表經費,前往San Diego, California, United States參加SPIE OPTICS+ PHOTONICS 國際研討會。
Aug/2018 : 恭喜陳陽獲得科技部國際論文發表經費,前往Hong Kong參加 CLEO PACIFIC RIM 2018 國際研討會。
Aug/2018 : 恭喜熊展德獲得科技部國際論文發表經費,前往Hong Kong參加 CLEO PACIFIC RIM 2018 國際研討會。
May/2108: 歡迎本實驗室第一位在職碩士班的學生,溫國興。
Jan/2018: 恭喜許馨云、藍一軒的期刊論文被接受,A gradient grating period guided-mode resonance spectrometer,IEEE Photonics Journal
Jan/2018: 恭喜孟哲、展德、陳陽的期刊論文被接受,Real-time CRP detection from whole blood using micropost-embedded microfluidic chip incorporated with label-free biosensor,Analyst
Dec/2017 : 熊展德獲邀參加OPTIC oral and poster presentation
Dec/2017 : 一軒獲邀參加OPTIC oral and poster presentation
Aug/2017: 歡迎弈銘、華晟、品宏和晏祺加入實驗室
Dec/2016 : 揆鈞獲邀參加科技部光電學門成果發表會 poster presentation
Dec/2016 : 詩婷和陳陽獲邀參加OPTIC oral and poster presentation
Nov/2016 : 展德獲邀參加全國力學會議poster presentation
Nov/2016:恭喜琳筠在北京Optofluidics 國際研討會得到Best Poster Award
Aug/2016: 歡迎彥傑、陳陽、展德和一軒加入實驗室
June/2016 : 恭喜琳筠獲得科技部國際論文發表經費,去中國發表論文
May/2016: 恭喜琳筠、敬書的研討會論文被接受,Integration of photonic crystal and electrowetting-on-dielectric microfluidics for concentration mesurement, Optofluidics
May/2016: 恭喜孟哲、逸凱的研討會論文被接受,Label-free biosensor for in-cell protein detection with automatic filtration of cell debris, BEST
May/2016: 恭喜馨云獲得科技部國際論文發表經費,去美國CLEO發表論文
May/2016: 恭喜信安、馨云的研討會論文被接受,Chip-size wavelength detector based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter, SPIE OPtics and Photonics
May/2016: 恭喜信安、馨云、智瑋的論文被接受,Compact spectrometer system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter, Optics Express
April/2016: 恭喜信安、 馨云的研討會論文被接受,Compact Wavelength Detection System Based on a Gradient Grating Period Guided-Mode Resonance Filter, CLEO 2016
April/2016: 恭喜逸凱、孟哲的論文被接受,Integration of a guided-mode resonance filter with microposts for in-cell protein detection, Analyso
March/2016: 恭喜信安的論文被接受,Linear variable filter based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter, IEEE Photonics Letters
Feb/2016: 恭喜智瑋的論文被接受,Photonic crystal micropost as a microarray platform, Optics Express
Dec/2015: 恭喜翔翌、柏璁的論文被接受,Optimization of a guided-mode resonance filter by varying the thickness of the buffer layer, Chinese Optics Letters
Aug/2015: 歡迎揆鈞和詩婷加入實驗室
Aug/2015: 恭喜諭安和柏璁發表了MNSL第一篇國際研討會論文,Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence through extraction of dual polarization modes, CLEO Pcific Rim 2015
March/2015: 恭喜諭安和柏璁發表了MNSL第一篇論文,Photonic crystal-enhanced fluorescence through extraction of dually polarized modes, Optics Letters
Aug/2014: 歡迎琳筠、智瑋、馨云、翔益和孟哲加入實驗室
July/2014: 恭喜胤君成為第一位從MNSL畢業的研究生
Aug/2013: 歡迎敬書、信安、作群、逸凱和智瑋加入實驗室
Aug/2012: 歡迎諭安和柏璁加入實驗,加入胤君的行列成為本實驗室第一屆的學生
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